The SP630 vacuum pump is a SCREWLINE screw vacuum pump of Leybold - Germany. Products are designed to meet the requirements of many applications. It is a reliable, compact and low maintenance vacuum solution.
Hình ảnh bơm hút chân không cũ Leybold SP630
1. Technical data
2. Advantages of SP630 vacuum pump
Leybold SP630 screw vacuum pump is a dry compression pump, operating on the screw principle. Design features and operating principles give this vacuum pump many outstanding advantages.
The direct pump path does not have much deflection to the medium making the screw vacuum pump very sensitive to foreign materials. This ensures high uptime in industrial processes.
The two non-contact shaft seals are practically wear-free, allowing for very long service intervals. This Leybold vacuum pump is durable
Low discharge temperature is an important advantage of this screw vacuum pump. Due to the design characteristics of the screw impeller, a maximum temperature of 100°C (212°F) is achieved inside the pump. Helps the pump avoid the deposition of many reactants at high temperature. This makes the pump suitable for many customer applications, especially in the coatings sector.
The pump has an integrated oil-cooled arrangement for the rotor and is air-cooled from the outside. The rotor and housing are thermally linked through an oil cooler. Thereby helping the pump to adapt effectively to many different working environments.
Equipment with high reliability, minimum operating costs and maximum flexibility.
3. Application of Screwline SP630 . Vacuum Pump
Leybold SP630 vacuum pump for many fields with vacuum needs and equivalent capacity. Typical applications of this product include:
CNC Applications
Vacuum plating
Industrial furnace
Paint technology
Loading compartments
Metallurgical system
Food processing
Drying process
Manufacture of lamps and tubes
Automotive industry
Packaging industry
Electrical engineering, energy research…